Aldrees Company announces the method of dividends distribution for the Financial Year 2020

Announcement Detail Reference to the announcement of Aldrees Petroleum Services and Transport Company (ALDREES), on 19 January 2021 and 14 April 2021, on the recommendation and the approval of the distribution of cash dividends for the year 2020, Aldrees Petroleum Services and Transport Company (ALDREES) announces to the shareholders of the company that the dividends distribution for the Financial Year 2020, will be on Wednesday 28/04/2021 of which (1) SAR per share according to the approval of the Extraordinary General Assembly on 14/04/2021. The entitlement of profits to the shareholders of the Company registered in the Company’s records with the Securities Depository Center (The Deposit Center) will be at the end of the second date of the General Assembly meeting. The Company has agreed with Riyad Bank to deposit the profits of the Company's shareholders directly to their current accounts relating to their investment portfolios, which are deposited with ALDREES in any of the local banks. Any shareholder of the Company in the event of failing to deposit in the deposit process, can coordinate with any branch of Riyad Bank or can contact the banks telephone no 920001816 or e-mail : or communicate with the shareholders' relations of the company on e-mail : , and we would like to draw the attention of non-resident foreign investors that the cash dividends transferred by the financial intermediary are subject to a deduction tax at the rate of 5% in accordance with the provisions of Article (68) of the Taxation Law and Article (63) Implementation


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1442/09/15  Tue Apr 27, 2021 16:00:54